Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Opinions

I have opinions. And to me those are the most important. Other people have opinions, and that's OK. Some I do disagree with, and some I do agree with. When it comes to Family Feud, they vary. Here's a convesation from the boards:

A poster: Why anyone would want to see episodes from last year this soon is beyond me.
I love Harvey's era. I never got to see many episodes last year because I was in school. This gives me a chance to see these episodes. I'm also sure the average viewer would love to see these.

Same Poster: A sad anniversary for sure because the Combs version is my favorite
Yeah, 2 years since they stopped showing Match Game PM. Personally I don't care for Combs, so that would be a happy anniversary for me.

Same Poster: And yes GSN can't get enough of post-2002 Feud

It does well for them. Steve will definitely help ratings out A LOT. You don't have to watch.

Of course, some law states you get an oppostie reaction, here it is:

You weren't missing much, the producers started dumbing down the questions so contestants would say dirty answers and Steve could act foolish. And this season they really made an effort to include at least 1 sex joke or relationship question in each show for said desired result.
With shows like Baggage, Love Triangle, and R-Rated versions of the Newlywed Game and Lingo, I'm sure Family Feud with dumbed down questions and a host that can act like a bafoon will fit right in on GSN. I guess sex does sell. I won't watch though.

Hey, I like Steve's version, yeah it could lower down on the sex jokes, but Steve does a good job.

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