Saturday, March 24, 2012

Clawed Their Way to the Stars

In days where Dubstep, Foster the People, and Katy Perry are popular, well, I have to think. Hey, it's good dancing music. But I usually like to sit down and listen to music, not dance. One of my favorite listening bands is The Chameleons. Definetley one of my favorite UK bands (next to Muse), These guts are amazing. I give lots of laud to the Australlian band The Church and they are amazing. These guys are pretty legit too. With Mark Burgess on Bass, Dave Fielding and Reg Smithies on Guitars, and John Lever on drums, (I'll give credit to Alistair Lewthwaite for keyboard), their first album Script of the Bridge was pretty awesome. My personal favorite As High As You Can Go was featured in that album. Check my online picks to hear them, the original, and a live recording of them on Generation 80. Another favorite album is Why Call it Anything? Which featured stuff like Swamp Thing, Music in the Womb, Lufthansa, Miracles and Wonders and more. Love this band a lot. They don't perform much anymore, but they're still great to listen to.

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