Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Going Back Already

Well, I hope you had a good holiday. I enjoyed yesterdays Match Game marathon. Seeing the Convy pilot was a treat. Well, two shows that returned to the lineup in October only leased 50 episodes. Starting Friday, both Jim Perry's Card Sharks and Press Your Luck cycle back to their respective starts, where they started in October.

Well, I'm disappointed, as I was looking forward to seeing more 1983-1984 shows or Press Your Luck and certain episodes of Card Sharks. But it's not meant to be at this time I guess. I mean, I'm grateful for a couple reasons. One, they aired Press Your Luck and 1983 episodes for that mattered, which have never aired on the network, ever, or rerun for several years. Plus I thought the show would never return after it was pulled a few years ago. So seeing these shows were cool, although the first couple weeks were kind of bland, so that's a little disappointing. At least the show holds on.

Plus, also shows like Dick Clark's Pyramid, Card Sharks, Press Your Luck , and Password are on the schedule at the same time. Put stuff like Card Sharks and Password or Dick Clark's Pyramid and Press Your Luck haven't been seen on together for years, so it's been kind of cool. Oh well, life moves on, and I still haven't seen all of the episodes they've leased. Plus the network still has done some cool things.

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