Sunday, March 9, 2014

Greatly Unfinished

Wow. Wow! WOW!! Went to see the Port Angeles Symphony last night. I of course was impressed. Adam Stern is a marvelous conductor. These were great selections from last night.

First was presented an Overture of Hebrew Themes. Great piece, really good. The second piece really caught my mind. This is a song I haven't heard. Schubert's Unfinished symphony. Wow, I enjoyed both movements, however, the bass line in the first movement was really cool. I have it stuck in my head. I love the strings sixteenth note pattern. Really good. I thought the Symphony performed it really well. Good work.

The second half though had Alexander Tutunov, a Russian pianist as the soloist. Wow, this guy was AMAZING! He played really well and it really added to the piece. What a joy to watch. Of course we were treated to 2 encores at the end of the concert. Wow I wish I could even dream about being that good. Really a great night.

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