Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Online Pick of the Week (7/29) - Beat it

This week, I've picked a song I ran into the ground. Beat it by Michael Jackson. It's a good one, I tell ya.

Beat it, My Online Pick of the Week

Friday, July 20, 2012

Great Performer, Awful Rotten Person

Well, there's been recent discussion about The Price is Right 40th Anniversary Special that should air in early September to celebrate the shows 40th season. There's been debate as to whether Bob Barker should show up on the special. From the looks of things, he won't.

Well, there's a group of people who would love to forget Bob Barker was ever brought into existence. If he was a cruddy host at The Price is Right I would probably be in that group. But I enjoyed his hosting, as a matter of fact, he's my 2nd favorite Game Show host of all time. (You probably know who my first is). But he's probably, No, for sure one of the most self-centered, rudest, jerkiest game show hosts off camera I've ever seen. The whole modelgate thing was just stupid. And the argument with Betty White and The 2009 Game Show Awards for GSN was uncalled for too, and that was just childish behavior. It's sad what happened, and it is pathetic. He's lonely, unloved, and just a jerk. It's sad when you think about it, but it happened, and he's probably too prideful to apologize, and I'm sure the models wouldn't accept.

Well, he was part of the shows history, and he was kind of part of my childhood, so it's a little disappointing he's not showing up, but it's probably for the better.

Can I Have a Minute on GSN?

Well, might as well post some good news (to me, at least). GSN has made an acquisition, and this looks to be another good one. Minute To Win It will air in a stack on Tuesday nights replacing The Newlywed Game. Well, how can I complain? Here is the press release. I love this show, this revival of Beat the Clock was fun, and beat The Cube overseas (yeah, I'm not a buyer of that British are Better Than Us stuff), This was a fun show, and I'm glad to see it come to GSN. Guy was a great host.

Tuesdays at 7/6c

You Have Chosen.... The Loser

Well, I've been out of town last week, and finally have gotten back to blogging. Well, looks like GSN is bringing back what I look at as an awful show. Dog Eat Dog returns to the GSN schedule. It takes over all of Deal or No Deal's weekend slots, and all of Regis Who Wants To Be a Millionaire spots. This is the first time since mid-2009 since it has been on the schedule

Personally, I think that sucks. I really, hate this show. The only thing for me that doesn't banish this to hell is the hot female contestants. Not to mention this show actually suffered from that so called term "rerun abuse". 26 episodes, several slots a week for 5 years. I would've loved to see Weakest Link, Greed, or even 21. And my personal favorite Who Wants To Be a Millionaire with Regis Philbin drops off the schedule. If there's anything that pisses me off, it's the treatment Regis Who Wants To Be a Millionaire has gotten over the last couple years. It did great at midnight, and well at 2:00am on weeknights, then they removed it from weeknights, and it's done piss-poor ever since. 

Well, it could be wors......no never mind, I hate this show with  passion. Well, on the bright side, more time to do other things.