Friday, September 16, 2011

Online Pick Of The Week (9/11) - Family Feud (Karn)

Okay, okay, I understand many classic viewers hate Karn. Yes he does well in ratings and was a great host, but that's not the point. On this last Sunday, it was the 10th anniversary of a very tragic day in American History. The bombing of the Twin Towers in New York. It was an evil terrorist plot. Because of this evil act, many people's lives were in danger. The firefighters, policemen, and many others risked their lives to save many innocent people. Unfortunately some of innocent people died, and some of those firefighters died as well. It was a very selfless act of them to do, so we could enjoy American freedoms. I personally thank them for sacrifice for many people. I continue to salute those men, and will remember those who were lost that fateful September morning. In tribute for those brave men, here is a Family Feud heroes special with the New York and Atlanta Fire Departments from the 2005-2006 (Karn's last season) A very good episode, and a very good 9-11 tribute uploaded by a fellow Youtube user. Family Feud (Karn) Heroes, my Online Pick of the week.

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